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The HealthAdventure Process


Visioning and Selection

You select the destination adventure. We then begin at ground zero, by coaching you, individually or as a team, toward a tangible visual of how you want to be in your life - whether at work or otherwise. Identify what's not working and what's important for you to truly live the life you want, performing at your best. Together we will lay out the map to see where you are and where you want to be. This isn't a straightforward process, but we are planting the seeds so we can navigate your path together more effectively and achieve everything you want from this adventure and every adventure beyond! 

Image by Greg Rakozy

Coaching and Training

We combine holistic executive coaching and physical/fitness training to support the greatest shifts in your state of mind, confidence, well-being and overall performance and to overcome the underlying factors and obstacles in your way. We believe that your natural self is far more capable than you've been led to believe, so we support you to find and unleash who that is and recognize the power you draw from everything around you. Everything is connected! 


We will work with you to tailor a program that will provide you with a weekly schedule for fitness training, mindfulness and proper nutrition, and bi-weekly coaching sessions to allow for you to explore the possibilities that exist within and before you. All geared toward you achieving the vision you wish to become and experiencing the adventures in your life as your highest self. 


We utilize a relationship systems and neuroscience-based approach that will help you understand the non-linear patterns in your life and allow you to refocus your efforts on what will truly move the needle for you or your team.

Image by kike vega
Image by Jenny Hill

Group Conversations (Virtual)

We are here to go far, not fast, so we bring the individual journeys together to work as a collective on a regular basis. Through our facilitated program, we begin to set the stage for the work you will be doing together on "The Trip", getting familiar with each other, enhancing tribal level relationships and performance. You will be challenged and supported by your tribe members, as you grow together and gain more than you ever would have as a solo adventurer. 

Image by Austin Distel

Your Preparation

The preparation is the work you do on you on your own schedule to begin moving the needle toward your goals each week, in conjunction with your coaching and tribe sessions. You will experience new levels of personal mastery and improved discipline toward physical and mental fitness, resilience and stamina, and the gratification that comes with it.  As you take charge of your life and see the possibilities, you will find and take advantage of opportunities to lead in your life and lead your life.

The Expedition / The Trip

The final piece of the process is "The Trip". The expedition that is the culmination of your work to this point. It is the celebration of what you have achieved over the past months and an opportunity to engage in person with your tribe, together on an adventure that will be the foundation of your life's HealthAdventure. The learning has come along the entire journey, but it is this 'destination' that you have been working for that will be your focus now.


You will find new understandings of yourself as you work together as a member of your tribe to overcome the situational challenges that the environment presents and become more aware of the dynamics at play in within yourself and within the group. The Trip will be the place of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and you will find within it whatever you have been willing to work for in the past.

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado
Image by Tegan Mierle
Image by Val Vesa
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